發布日期 2025-03-27 15:21:00
人類遷徙自約12,500至10,000年前開始,由遊牧生活逐步轉向農耕聚落(de Hass, Castles and Miller 2020)。在邁入二十一世紀的當下,全球社會見證「遠距移動之日常化」(Shin and Lee 2022),其驅動因素涉及政治、經濟、社會與氣候等多重層面。當代世界可謂「史上人與物體移動距離最遠、頻率最高、速度最快的時代」,「人類活動的各個領域皆日益受運動(motion)所界定」(Nail 2018)。無論是人類、非人類,或超越人類範疇的移動現象(more-than-human mobilities),移動性的概念可視為人類歷史的核心要素,形塑著我們所處的世界。在此脈絡下,作為人類移動現象的遷徙不僅影響個體,也深刻地影響遷出地與遷入地的社會結構。遷徙的影響涵蓋區域性、國內與國際層面,並涉及政治經濟、文化與環境等多維領域。當人們自願或非自願地跨越國界,他們的身份認同往往會在遷徙過程中受到重新建構或混融,因其需在原生文化與新環境之間進行身份協商。換言之,遷徙顛覆了傳統的身份概念,促使個體在文化傳承與新環境適應之間尋求平衡。因此,理解移動性、遷徙與身份文化認同之間的相互作用,對於探索全球化與高移動性社會中的新興社會現象及生活方式至關重要,並有助於人們邁向更加公平與正義的未來。
- 人類移動或遷移的敘事化
- (後)殖民視角下的遷徙歷史
- 移動性的情感與情緒維度
- 針對遷徙/移動性敘事之創新論述與方法
- 遷移倫理與政治
- 高度移動時代下的人類生存:遷移與人權
- 全球遷徙的日常化與文化身份轉變
- 環境移動性:非人或超人類移動現象
- 文學與語言中的過渡與移動性
- 語言的遷徙與移動性
- 另類或未來移動性的文化想像
歡迎投稿以上未列出的主題。我們也鼓勵英語以外語言的投稿。我們徵求提供流動、遷徙與認同新觀點、以理論及研究方法創新相關議題的全文稿。英文稿件字數限定為6,000至10,000字。如果使用中文或其他語言撰寫稿件,作者必須提供英文摘要(一頁A4之長度)供初步審查,中文稿件字數限定為12,000至20,000字。本專刊也接受相關主題的書評和研究紀要,英文字數約為2,000至3,000字。如有任何與專刊相關問題,歡迎聯繫客座主編:Assoc. Prof. Jinhyoung Lee (gespenst@konkuk.ac.kr) 、張景安副教授 (chingan@nccu.edu.tw)。
Special Issue for Foreign Language Studies
Mobility, Migration, and Identity
Human migration began to transition from an itinerant and nomadic lifestyle to agrarian settlement around 12,500–10,000 years ago (de Hass, Castles and Miller 2020). The 21st century is witnessing “the routinization of geographically distant movement” (Shin and Lee 2022, 1) mainly for political, economic, social, and climatic reasons. It is a time when “[m]ore than at any other time in history, people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before,” when “every major domain of human activity has become increasingly defined by motion” (Nail 2018, 1). Referring to all types of human, non-human, or more-than-human movements that take place locally and globally, the concept of mobility can be seen as a fundamental aspect of human history, shaping the world in which we live. In this sense, migration, as human mobility, affects not only individuals, but also the societies that produce and receive migrants. The implications of migration can manifest at domestic, regional, and international levels, as well as in the political-economic, cultural, and environmental spheres. As people move across borders, either voluntarily or involuntarily, their identities are often renewed or hybridized through interactions with the new environments they transit or relocate to. That is, migration disrupts traditional notions of identity, requiring individuals to navigate between their heritage and the culture of their new environment. Understanding the interplay between mobility, migration, and identity is essential for exploring newly emerging societies and lifestyles in an increasingly globalized, mobile world, as we aspire to a more equitable and just future.
This special issue of Foreign Language Studies, slated for release in June 2026, will be dedicated to exploring issues associated with mobility, migration, and identity. Submissions addressing the following topics are invited:
- Narrativization of Human Mobility or Migration
- (Post)Colonial Histories of Migration
- Emotions and/or Affects of Mobility
- Creative Responses and Approaches to Mobility or Migration
- Ethics and/or Politics of Migration
- Human Lives in the Age of High Mobility: Migration and Human Rights
- Routinization of Global Migration and Changes in Cultural Identities
- Environmental Mobilities: Non-human or More-than-Human Mobilities
- Migration and Mobility across Literatures and Languages
- Migration and Mobility of Language
- Cultural Imagination of Alternative or Future Mobilities
Contributors are welcome to address issues or topics not listed above. We seek full-length articles that offer a fresh perspective, grounded in theory, and potentially controversial, on a major issue or issues related to mobility, migration, and identity. Full-length articles, written in English, should range from 6,000 to 10,000 words. If manuscripts are to be written in Chinese or other languages, authors have to provide an English abstract for initial review. Full-length Chinese articles should span 12,000 to 20,000 words, adhering to the same academic rigor, and delving into theoretical frameworks. The special issue also accepts book reviews and research notes of around 2,000 to 3,000 words on a related topic. We welcome inquiries and proposals for co-authored contributions. Please contact the co-editors: Assoc. Prof. Jinhyoung Lee (gespenst@konkuk.ac.kr) and Assoc. Prof. Ching-An Chang (chingan@nccu.edu.tw).
For more information, please visit https://flstudies.org.