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課程規劃 Curriculum Planning




本系的課程為運用英文能力加強學生口筆譯技巧訓練。本系因應社會需求,培養產業發展之專業人才, 並透過口譯能力的養成,培養具有前瞻性及國際觀的人才與世界接軌。另為加強學生就業能力,本系鼓勵學生考取各項證照, 並積極推動企業實習,使學生提升適應日後職場環境。








四技部一、二年級學生加強聽、說、讀、寫的語言訓練,與基本的口、筆譯技巧 以奠定後兩年的專業學習基礎。四技部學生升到三、四年級後,以學習進階口筆譯技巧為主,並圍繞法商、科技、國際事務、新聞、影視等專業領域內的主題,進一步提升口、筆譯技巧。 在課堂傳授翻譯知識的同時,還要求高年級學生積極參加各種口、筆譯實習活動,使他們能夠在畢業之際初步熟悉職場工作環境,培養在翻譯過程中獨立解決問題及協同合作的能力。 翻譯系四技畢業生應當初步具備專業翻譯的能力與素質,成為政府機構、工商業界、翻譯公司及社會各界所需要的專業翻譯。一部分理論知識比較紮實的畢業生,則可選擇到國內外研究所繼續深造,成為未來的教學與研究專才。




本所課程以多國語筆譯與多國語口譯為兩大方向,融合跨文化、跨學科等綜合溝通與應用知識於翻譯教學之中 課程包括翻譯理論、經貿與商業筆譯(中英互譯)、科技、醫藥、工程筆譯(中英互譯)、法律筆譯(中英互譯)、電腦輔助翻譯與專業術語、多國語口譯、多國語筆譯、逐步口譯、同步口譯、影視翻譯與軟體本土化、筆記技巧、視譯等。



Our program is to strengthen students' abilities of translation and interpretation from English to Chinese, or vice versa. To achieve the needs of the society, we educate our students in the direction of fostering talents who can be a specialist for the industry development. Besides, through the program of training students’ interpreting abilities, we foment professionals with a sense of foresight and global perspective, those can meet the needs of the world. And to enhance students’ employability, we encourage students to obtain various licenses and actively promote the internship of the enterprises, so that students can adapt themselves to the workplace environment easily in the future.

The Two-Year Program


The first-year students would be mainly strengthened in their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, in their basic skills of translation and interpreting, and in their basic knowledge of professional topics of translation and interpreting, such as law and business, technology, international affairs, journalism, audiovisuals, and so on. The second-year students will focus on the internship of translation and interpreting, equip themselves with initial understanding of jobs, and inculcating themselves how to deal with problems independently and how to work with people. The graduates should be able to equip themselves with certain abilities and qualities to work for the government, business and industries, translation companies, and different fields. The graduates with solid translation theoretical knowledge can continue their education in the graduate institute either of the domestic or of foreign country, and become teachers and researchers.


The Four-Year Program


The freshmen and sophomores in the four-year program would be mainly strengthened in their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, in learning the basic skills of translation and interpreting as a pave way for the following academic years. For the third and fourth grade students, they will learn advanced skill of translation and interpreting, and practice the topics such as law and business, technology, international affairs, journalism, audiovisuals, and so on. Besides, they are also required to participate in various activities of translation and interpreting; therefore, the students will be more familiar with the workplace environment before they graduate and gain the capability of solving problems independently and cooperating with the others. The graduates should be able to have the basic ability and quality to meet the needs of the governmental institutions, business and industries, translation companies, and different fields. The graduates with solid translation theoretical knowledge can continue their education in the graduate institute either of the domestic or of foreign country, and become teachers and researchers.


The structure of the Curriculum is as follows: