林虹秀 (Eileen Lin) 專任助理教授 (Assistant Professor)
- 辦公室Z0712
- 聯絡電話07-3426031 #6422
- 聯絡信箱96058@mail.wzu.edu.tw
- 網站http://wportfolio.wzu.edu.tw/ep/96058
2016 迄今 文藻外語大學專任助理教授
2010~2016 輔仁大學英文系兼任教師
2007~2010 文藻外語學院翻譯系專案教師。講字第095419號
Translation of Late-Ming Catholic Literature, Cross-Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, Translation and Interpreting Practice and Teaching.
PhD., Comparative Literature, Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, June 2016
Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
M.A., Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Studies, June 2007
Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Bachelor of Art in English Literature, June 2000
Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Classics, Aug 2012-2014
Columbia University, New York, New York, U.S.A.
- 2007-9
- TaiShin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture
- End Child Prostitution, pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual purposes
- AIT: meetings for MegaPorts Initiatives and Wireless bidding
- Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts: Beyond Boundaries exhibition
- Exclusive Interview: The Liberty Times vs. President of IWGA
- International Association of University Presidents, National University of Kaohsiung
- 2009 International Symposium on Religion, Culture and Wetland Tourism
- International Symposium on Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
- 2009 Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival
- Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Speaking with hands Exhibition
- Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, PIXAR, 20 Years of Animation Exhibition
- 2015 Terminal Three Design meetings, Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan
- 2013 Medical Plastic Surgery Business Meeting
- 2012-4 Soup Kitchen outreach, Harlem, New York
- 2012 Civil Courage Prize winner, Yu Jie. Campus touring at Friends, New York
- 2011 National Instruments Taiwan
- 2011 International Workshop on Necropsy and Rescue of Stranding Sea Turtles in Taiwan
- Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Minimum use, Maximum Effect
- World Games 2009 Co-Com meetings, executive and IT representative meetings
- International Seminar on Instruction Design and Learning
- Investment Fair (The Philippines’ investment opportunities)
- Cradle to Cradle, Michael Braungart, National Sun Yat-sen University
- Freedom Ratings: The Global-Local Dialogue, Freedom House, Open University
- Entrepreneurship and family business
- The 9th Taiwanese-German Joint Business Council Meeting
- Impact of Multilingualism on World Events and Economic Boost
- 2009 Digital Cities Convention Kaohsiung Country
- World Games 2009 Co-Com meetings, daily press conferences and closing ceremony
- Faculty workshops
- International Conference on Arts Venue Planning and Management
- 17th SFM on the international financial climate after the financial crisis, NSYSU
- 2010-Present
- The 7th Fu Jen Academia Catholica International Conference, simultaneous interpreting for Giuseppe Cardinal Versaldi
- 2015 Conservation and Future Prospects of Sea Turtles in Taiwan
- 2015 Sixth FuJen Academia Catholica International Conference: Incultruation of the Catholic Church since Vatican II
- 2011 International Workshop on Necropsy and Rescue of Stranding Sea Turtles in Taiwan
- 2011 The 2nd International Fu Jen Academia Catholica Symposium
- 2010 International Symposium on Cross-Cultural Studies
- 2010 GASEX (Gas Information Exchange in the Western Pacific Area)
- 2010 Kaohsiung River Festival Global Forum for Experience of River Remediation
- AIT Kaohsiung Branch: Speaker Program on Risk Communication
- Cities International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
- New Metropolitan Synergies, INTA-2010 Roundtable Conference
- Low Carbon Cities Study tour and debates
- Workshop on Urban-Rural development in Yunlin, National Formosa University
- Inter’l Conference on Marine Environment and Biodiversity Conservation in the South China Sea
- Alltech 23rd Asia-Pacific Lecture Tour 2010
- Workshops of MICE program
- CNEX紀錄片大會翻譯、人籟月刊、原住民藝術展特約譯者、運動商品、精品翻譯......等
- 林虹秀(2018/) 譯夢:《天主聖教聖人行實》中聖女之夢。2018年天主教文學論壇:神視與詮釋:天主教文學中夢與身體的對話
- Eileen Lin (Oct. 2015). Eros aut Agape?: Translating de Sancta Maria Magdalena in Legenda aurea in China. Religion and (The Master) Narrative: An Interdisciplinary conference on Medieval and Early Modern Belief and Practice. University of Colorado at Boulder. U.S.A.
- Eileen Lin (Jul. 2014). In Jing, we worship. Asia in Motion, Heritage and transformation. AAS-in-Asia Conference. National University of Singapore. Singapore
- Eileen Lin (Jun. 2013). Translation: Images of Mary Magdalene Travel from Europe to China. Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Center for medieval and renaissance studies, St. Louis University. U.S.A.
- Eileen Lin (Dec. 2012) Translating the Hours to Readers, included in the conference proceedings. International Conference on Translation and Cross-cultural Communication. University of Queensland. Australia
- 5. Eileen Lin (Jul. 2011) The Jesuits’ Translation Strategies: A Preliminary Study on the Translation of Saints and Female Martyrs in Legenda aurea. The Fourth Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication. Baptist University, Hong Kong
- Eileen Lin (Dec. 2010) A preliminary study on Jesuits’ translation strategies: a case study on saints and female martyrs between the East and West. 2010 International Symposium on Cross-Cultural Studies. Fu Jen Catholic University. Taiwan
- Liang Wayne and Eileen Lin (Jun. 2009). In Other Words. 2009 Conference Theme: Innovation ELT – Theory and Application. Chaoyang University of Technology. Taiwan. ISBN 978-986-7043-22-1
- Eileen Lin. (Mar. 2009) The Interplay of Functional Equivalence and Ideology in Cultural Translation: A Look into 龍 in Political Texts. Translation in Asia: Theories, Practices, Histories. National University of Singapore. Singapore.
- Eileen Lin (Nov. 2008) A Case Study on the how cross-cultural communication benefits students. 2008 Conference of Cross Strait Foreign Language Instruction. Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. Taiwan.
- Eileen Lin (Dec. 2007) Preliminary Study on the Translation of 龍. The 12th Conference on the Instruction of Translation and Interpretation. Chang Jung Christian University. Taiwan.
- 108 108/09/06 ICMA世界會議同步口譯案
- 107 107/10/09 「觀之以行,行之以觀:比丘尼與修女的對話」口譯服務合作案
- 106 106/10/25 The International Conference of Institutional Research and Governance 口譯人員服務案