朱耀庭 (Joseph Chu) 專任助理教授 (Assistant Professor)
- 辦公室Z0503
- 聯絡電話07-3426031 #6427
- 聯絡信箱97001@ mail.wzu.edu.tw
- 網站http://wportfolio.wzu.edu.tw/ep/97001
2006年2月 - 2006年7月
國立高雄大學兼任助理教授(Part-time assistant professor in National University of Kaohsiung)
2005年8月 - 2008年7月
台南科技大學專任助理教授(Full-time assistant professor in Tainan University of Technology)
2000年8月 - 2003年7月
台南女子技術學院專任講師(Full-time lecturer in Tainan University of Technology)
2000年7月 - 2001年8月
(Professional Speech in English, Negotiation Skills, Professional English Listening andPublic Speaking Training, Sight Translation, General Translation, Translation ofScience and Technology, Subtitling Translation, etc.)
英語閱讀(English Reading)
專業英語(English for Specific Purpose)
英美文學(English and American Literature)
文學論(Literary Theories)
美國愛達荷大學教育博士(Ph.D. in Education, University of Idaho)
國立中山大學外國語文研究所碩士(MA. In Literature, National Sun Yat-Sen University)
中翻英: 期刊文章、各類文件
(Translation from Chinese to English: journal articles, theses, etc.)
- Chu, Y. T. (2011). The Translation of Similes from English to Chinese: A Case Study onKhaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner (第四屆海峽「兩岸四地」翻譯與跨文化交流研討會)
- Chu , Y. T. and Liang, W, J. (2009). Should Translation Stick to the Culture of the Original?—A Study on the Translation of Metaphors and Similes from Qian Zhongshu’s Besieged City. (國立政治大學外語學院翻譯與跨文化國際學術研討會)
- Chu, Y. T. (2008). Reality Shows and Business English. (The 2008 ESP Workshop at KUAS)
- Chu , Y. T. (2007). The Effect of Literary Reading on Emotional Intelligence (高雄第一科技大學第七期應用外語學報)
- Chu, Y. T. (2006). The Effect of Short Story Reading on Emotional Intelligence. (2006 CHNA International Symposium on Instruction and Learning at Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science)
- Chu, Y. T. (2005). Celebrating Self-Actualization: Improving Emotional Intelligence Through a Cognitive-based English Reading Curriculum (Ph.D. Dissertation)