  • 字級大小


發布日期 2019-10-24 16:00:00





  • 舉辦目的




  • 會議主題:譯者與現代化


1. 現代科技與口筆譯

2. 專業領域的口筆譯研究

3. 專業領域的翻譯教學

4. 跨文化翻譯

5. 多國語言翻譯研究

6. 譯者的主體性

7. 翻譯史

8. 其他口筆譯相關主題


  • 專題演講者

1. 泰國朱拉隆功大學Phrae Chittiphalangsri 教授

2. 香港浸會大學劉敏華教授

3. 新加坡南洋理工大學關詩珮教授



  • 研討會舉辦日程

1. 論文摘要投稿截稿日期:2020.02.16()

2. 論文摘要入選通知日期:2020.03.30()

3. 論文長摘要截稿日期:2020.05.15()

4. 研討會舉辦日期:2020.06.13()


  • 研討會舉辦地點

文藻外語大學 Z1502 國璽會議廳


  • 主辦單位



  • 協辦單位

1. 台灣翻譯學學會

2. 文藻外語大學英國語文系

3. 文藻外語大學英語教學中心


  • 指導單位



  • 參加對象

1. 全國及海外各大學翻譯系所及外語系所之相關教師、學生及研究生。

2. 相關領域研究者及業者。

3. 對翻譯有興趣之各界人士。


  • 徵稿流程及格式

1. 請提供 500 字以內中英文摘要各一篇及填寫【論文投稿報名表】。

2. 格式:

  • 紙張:A4
  • 邊界:上下2.5、左右2.5
  • 字體型:標楷體(標題請用14號字、內容12號字),設定1.5倍行高
  • 註解:隨頁註解
  • 論文長摘要以中文或英文撰寫以 5頁為限。內容包含:研究目的、研究方法及研究結果等。

3. 請以 E-mail 方式傳送本報名表及論文摘要 Word 檔及PDF檔。

4. E-mailti0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw (郵件主旨請繕:第24屆口筆譯教學國際研

討會徵稿-報名者姓名),相關人員收到摘要之後會在 3 日內回覆 email 確認。

5. 聯絡人:陳姿吟小姐、林楓怡小姐

聯絡電話:(07)3426031 分機 64026405





[Call for Paper]


The 24th International Symposium on Translation and Interpretation


Conference Theme: Translation and Modernity/Modernization


1.   Modern technology and translation/interpreting

2.   Translation/interpreting studies

3.   Teaching translation/interpreting

4.   Cross-cultural communication and translation/interpreting

5.   Translation/interpreting studies on languages other than English/Chinese

6.   The role of translator/interpreter

7.   Translation/interpreting history

8.   Other issues related to translation/interpreting


Keynote Speakers:

1.   Professor Phrae Chittiphalangsri, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

2.   Professor Minhua Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

3.   Professor Uganda Sze Pui Kwan, Nanyang Technological University Singapore


Venue: Z1502 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan

Conference Date: June 13th, 2020

Deadline for abstracts: February 16th, 2020

Notification: March 30th, 2020

Extended abstract deadline: May 15th, 2020


Submission details:

1. Language: Papers should be written in either Chinese or English

2. Style and format

  • Paper: A4
  • Margins: Left-right margin: 2.50 centimeters Top-bottom margin: 2.50 centimeters Line spacing: 1.5 lines Standard character spacing Justified
  • Font Size: Times New Roman (title:14, content:12)
  • Footnotes: At the end of each page
  • Abstract: An abstract with a maximum of 500 words (in both Chinese and English) should be provided at the beginning of the paper. Keywords should be provided below the abstract. The extended  abstract should be written in Chinese or English and should not exceed 5 pages. The content should include: research question(s),  research method and findings.

4. All the Abstracts and Papers, completed Author Profile and submission form need to be submitted via e-mail at: ti0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw and the subject of your email should be marked with “ISTIT Abstract-(Your name).”

Tel: +886-7-3426031#6402 or 6403

Fax: +886-7-3108817


Supervised by

Ministry of Education


Funded by

Ministry of Education


Organized by

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages


Executive Organizer:

Department of Translation and Interpreting, WZU



Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation

English Department, WZU

Center for English Language Teaching, WZU