  • 字級大小




本系畢業生就業領域多和外語、翻譯等工作相關,包括國際經貿秘書、商務談判代表助理、國內外觀光航空、 旅遊業從業人員、口、筆譯工作者、英語教師、新聞編輯企畫,文化產業機構(博物館、美術館、國史館等)之解說工作, 與本系課程規劃相符合。


學生四年之中外語言及相關專業(如國際經貿、國際會展、觀光、傳播、翻譯、出版、文學與文化等)訓練, 有助於未來就業。部分畢業生在大學畢業之後,會選擇出國進修或報考國內研究所,繼續深造學習。




由此可知,翻譯系提供之課程與訓練,對畢業生跨足其他產業大有幫助。特別在科技、商業、國際事務領域有傑出的表現。 這與本系重視學生職能訓練的發展規劃有關,每年舉辦的相關座談活動,時常邀請具有實務經驗之口、筆譯者蒞校,與同學經驗分享, 幫助學生及早了解就業市場有關。有此可見本系在實務、實習與就業輔導方面的實際成效。


學生就業市場數據顯示,目前翻譯系畢業生雖然從事口、筆譯專職者人數較低, 但卻在貿易產業、教育服務業、其他產業方面活用所學。在進修方面,畢業生在畢業後繼續在國內外進修口、 筆譯的碩士學位或其他領域的碩士學位。



(1)就業:專業口筆譯工作者與編審、翻譯專案經理、軟體與網站本土化語言專家、 出版社翻譯或編輯、新聞編輯、商務談判代表、國際經貿秘書、國內外觀光、航空及旅遊業從業人員、 外語教師以及文化產業機構(博物館、美術館、國史館等)的文字翻譯或解說員等工作。 

(2)國內外翻譯、外國語言、外國文學、語言學、新聞媒體與傳播、中西文化研究、 國際關係、國際經貿、外語教學等相關研究院之博士班。

Prospects after graduation After leaving school, the graduates can tread on language- and translation-related careers because of the course design, such as a secretary of international business, an assistant of business negotiators, a domestic or international airline employee, a tour guide, a translator and/or an interpreter, an English teacher, a news editorial planning staff, and a guide in cultural industries (museums, art galleries, Academia Historica, etc.).

During four years of studies, students will take language-related, both in Chinese and English, and professional courses which are beneficial for future careers, such as international business, MICE, tourism, media, translation, publishing, literature and culture, and so on. After graduation, some students will continue their MA studies in foreign countries or in Taiwan.


According to the employment Index, most of graduates will enter the workforce immediately, and some of them will continue their stududies.


We can see that, courses and trainings provided by the department are very helpful for the graduates if they want to tread on different fields, especially their outstanding performance in technology, business, and international affairs because we put tremendous focus on the policy of job training by yearly hosting related conference and workshop, frequently inviting experienced translators and interpreters to our school to share their experiences with our students in order to help them understand the job market in advance. All of these come down to the substantial accomplishment in practical experiences, internship and job consulting.


The employment data show that the numbers of current graduates in translation and interpreting fields are not many, but the graduates still can apply what they have learned to the trading business, education industry, and other industries. In pursuing further education, the graduates choose either to study translation and interpreting or to study different subjects in foreign countries or Taiwan.