(歡迎報名)教育部舉辦「2030雙語國家政策」校園創意短片徵件活動The 2nd Round of Campus Fun Video Contest
發布日期 2019-09-11 09:33:00
立馬報名拿獎金 https://www.bln2019.com/
#獎金最高5萬元 #臺灣美景尬影片 #用英文說得更好玩 #由國發會主辦
#學生們別害羞 #短片只要1分鐘 #快用手機拍起來
#你要去哪裡 #2030雙語國家
【The 2nd Round of Campus Fun Video Contest is here】
Register now and win the prize at https://www.bln2019.com/
#TopPrize50K #TaiwanWonderfulScenaryFilms #MoreFunInEnglish
Video Topic: Where are you going?
Did you travel to many beautiful places in Taiwan this summer?
Can you introduce the spectacular scenery of Taiwan to us in English?
Come on! Are you a student? We want YOU!
Invite your friends and family to shoot films together IN ENGLISH to win the prize!