大專校院學生心理健康關懷量表 Attentive Inventory of Mental Health
發布日期 2021-08-02 00:00:00
各位同學好Hello everybody:
“Attentive Inventory of Mental Health” is a psychological test for college students to recognize recently mental health situation. Please read the following guidelines to finish the test.
一、 建議使用 Google Chrome 瀏覽器(電腦或手機皆可),並進入測驗頁面(https://aimh.epc.ntnu.edu.tw/)
1. We suggest you using Google Chrome(PC or mobile). Then visit the link below: https://aimh.epc.ntnu.edu.tw/
2. Choose the language version. Then press the green button “Start”.
3. Fill the form(School Name, Name, Student Number, Password...) to create an account.
*The “School Name”, please refer to the following sample:
4. Read the “consent form” of this test. Only if you give your consent, that you can continue the test.
5. The “Demographic information” is used only for statistical purposes. Please finish it.
6. Read the instructions and press the yellow button Start.
7. There are 53 questions. Choose and mark one of the 6-points that matches you the most.
If you cannot send the answer and finish the test, please check if there are any unanswered questions.
8. After you finish the test. Press the yellow button “Result”. You can read the description of overall result. Or check the RED/YELLOW/GREEN lights which present 12 dimentions of your mental health.
綠燈green light |
整體感覺良好,近期沒有太高程度的心理困擾,對於困擾能夠自行調適或應付 。 |
黃燈yellow light |
正有一些心事困擾著你,讓你感到有些壓力,可能稍微超出負荷,建議近期找信任的人聊一聊。 |
紅燈red light |
最近有重大的困擾讓你感到壓力,超出自己的負荷,靠近臨界點的你,建議盡快聯絡導師或學校諮輔中心。 |
對於上述測驗流程或結果,若同學們有疑問,請聯繫諮商與輔導中心 趙書賢老師
If you have any question, please contact us.
請私訊諮輔中心LINE官方帳號 @396otqti
Please send messages to our LINE@ account: @396otqti
諮商與輔導中心網站 Website:https://d008.wzu.edu.tw
諮商與輔導中心臉書粉專 Facebook Fans page:
諮商與輔導中心電話 TEL:07-342-6031 #2278~#2282
其他心理健康相關資源 Mental Health Resource:校外資源連結