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艾薩克斯大學University of Essex雙聯計畫

發布日期 2022-04-12 14:34:00

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University of Essexl  https://www.essex.ac.uk/

艾薩克斯大學University of Essex雙聯計畫

  • 合作模式
    1. 碩士1+1雙聯計畫,第一年在文藻修習碩士,第二年在艾薩克斯大學修習碩士,滿足雙方條件後,取得兩校碩士學位。
    2. 學士加碩士3+1雙聯計畫,前三年於文藻修習學士課程,第四年前往艾薩克斯大學修習一年碩士,滿足雙方條件後,取得文藻學士學位及艾薩克斯大學碩士學位。


  • 申請條件
    1. 需完成文藻所規定之學分,包含選修課程,且平均達70以上。
    2. 須滿足艾薩克斯大學IELTS門檻(依科系不同)。
    3. 符合資格之學生,需自行於艾薩克斯大學官網申請入學,並完成書審所需資料。
    4. 書審通過後,須通過入學考試人員之面試與測試,方能入學。


  • 課程相關規範
    1. 順利完成文藻與艾薩克斯大學碩士班修業要求之學生即可取得兩校學位。
    2. 文藻學生至艾薩克斯大學註冊後,便應遵循艾薩克斯大學相關規範。
    3. 學生若因個人理由,無法完成課程及取得學位必要之要求,學生可將取得成績單,列明已修習哪些課程及其成績。學生取得之學分可用來在其所屬學校內抵免課程。但是,學分之抵免轉移由學生所屬學校判定。
    4. 須按照艾薩克斯大學規範完成論文/專案,且必須與其在文藻之指導教授聯繫,在返回台灣後,安排碩士論文口試,並且完成台灣規範之其他論文要求。


  • 學費及獎助學金相關規範
    1. 參與雙聯學制之學生第二年仍須於文藻註冊並繳納碩士班全額學費及艾薩克斯大學碩士課程之全額學費。
    2. 雙聯學生得申請學海飛颺或高教深耕之教育部獎學金,學海飛颺補助六萬到30萬新台幣不等,於出國前領取五萬元,其餘學業完成後回領取;高教深耕補助文藻一年學費,回台後申請(以各年度規定為主)。
    3. 艾薩克斯大學提供文藻學生3000英鎊獎學金及IELTS補助150英鎊(獲得標準皆以各年度規定為主)。


  • 學生之責任



  • 學費
  • 機票
  • 食宿
  • 簽證辦理、護照等證件相關費用
  • 醫療保險
  • 意外險


  1. Collaboration Model
    1. 1+1 joint degree for postgraduate student. The first year of study will be conducted in Wenzao, and can apply for the joint degree program to study in University of Essex in the second year of study. After fulfilling the graduate threshold of both schools, the student will receive Master’s degree from both schools.
    2. 3+1 joint degree for undergraduate students. Finish the undergraduate courses within three years in Wenzao, and go to Essex for the one-year master program. After fulfilling the graduate threshold of both schools, the student will receive the Bachelor degree from Wenzao, and the Master’s degree from University of Essex.


  1. Requirements
    1. Successful completion of the specified program with an overall transcript average of 70%.
    2. Standard University of Essex English Language entry requirement.
    3. Students who meet the standard need to fill in the application on University of Essex’s application website.
    4. After passing the online application, the student also need to pass the interview.


  1. Academic Arrangement
    1. Students who meet the graduation threshold can obtain degree from both institutes.
    2. The students shall comply with the same academic and disciplinary regulations of both institutes.
    3. In case of students who are unable to complete the program and all requirements needed to receive the degree(s) for personal reasons, they will receive only the transcript of the courses taken and the grades earned. The obtained credits can be used to waive the courses at student’s home institute. However, the transfer of the credits is subject to the decision of the home institute.
    4. Wenzao students have to complete their dissertation/projects following Essex’s requirements, then they will have to be in touch with Wenzao supervisor and arrange for their oral defence when they are back in Taiwan as well as completing other thesis requirement for publication in Taiwan.


  1. Tuition fee and scholarship arrangement
    1. The students must be enrolled at the home institute, and pay full tuition of both institutes.
    2. Students who apply for joint degree program can apply for MOE scholarship.
    3. University of Essex offers Wenzao’s students a £3000 scholarship and £150 IELTS subsidy. please check the each year’s regulations for application requirements.


  1. Responsibility of students
    1. While registered at Essex, Wenzao students will be subjected to the Essex academic regulations.

Students are responsible for

  • Tuition fee
  • Airplane tickets
  • Living expenses
  • Visapassport, and other immigration documents
  • Insurances