【公告】113學年度大學英檢;「其他校外英檢成績登錄」及「缺考補繳測驗費」受理時程【Announcement】Schedule for the Registration of Test Results from Other Recognized English Proficiency Tests (Excluding CSEPT) and Reimburse Test Fees for the 2nd Semester of the 113th Academic Year
發布日期 2025-01-03 14:58:00
(說明: 若有在校外考過其他英檢,該成績對照本校「英語語檢成績比較參考表」達畢業門檻者,請持該成績單正本至教務處登錄,若未於期限內登錄者,本中心將直接納入考生名單,逾時登錄,則需再待開放大學英檢考試請假時,另行請假。)
(說明: 未於期限內補繳測驗費者,將不列入此次應試名單。)
●CSEPT for the 2nd Semester of the 113 Academic Year is tentatively scheduled for May 18th, 2025. Any updates will be announced on the websites of the school and LDCC without individual notification.
●LDCC will make the list of CSEPT testees on January 24th, 2025. Before this date, students have to:
1.Register the test results of the other recognized English proficiency tests other than CSEPT test:
(For those who passed the Wenzao English benchmark for graduation based on other recognized English proficiency exams, please bring the original score report to the Office of Academic Affairs for registration. Failing to register within the specified period will lead to the inclusion in the list of CSEPT testees. If the registration is delayed, a leave request will have to be submitted when a new announcement is made.)
2. Reimburse test fees:
(For those who fail to reimburse test fees in time, they will not be included in the list of CSEPT testees.)
●Below is the timetable for “Registration of OTHER English Proficiency Test Results” and “Reimburse Test Fees”. Please complete the registration or payment accordingly.
●For further questions, please contact 07-3426031, ext. 7402-7403.